Congratulations! You have successfully completed the self-assessment questionnaire!





According to your answers, you are a novice in fundraising! The world is expecting from you the start of a great journey!

This level attests that you need to up-skill yourself so as to be able to discover opportunities and generate ideas regarding fundraising in your organisation. You should focus on improving your individual fundraising skills, and also your skills in communicating your fundraising project. You may have the enthusiasm to built and run a fundraising campaign, but you need to work more on the fundraising techniques, methods, parameters and resources.

In case you wish to further enhance and strengthen your knowledge, competences, and skills, take them to the next level(s), and/or stay informed about how to run a fundraising strategy in your organisation, we suggest you regularly visit the website of the project: “e-PATTERNS. E-learning platform for up-skilling in fund-raising practice, financial digital literacy in NGO management”.

You can find many great resources in our free course on digital fundraising and ready-to-use material in the special training toolbox we have prepared for you!